

Russian 3lb Package Bees

Russian 3lb Package Bees

On Sale Now!For 2024 we have partnered up with Coy Honey Farms and are offering certified Russian 3..


test product

test product

test product..


Russian Nuc - sold out as of Feb 25th

Russian Nuc - sold out as of Feb 25th

Sorry, we have sold out of the nucs we'll have this spring, please consider our Russian Packages ins..


Coy Russian Queens (Weekend of April 27th/28th)

Coy Russian Queens (Weekend of April 27th/28th)

Sales start Jan 1stThese are for pick-up onlyAs part of our packages coming from Coy Honey Farms, we..


2lb Carniolan Package Bees - pick up April 13th/14th

2lb Carniolan Package Bees - pick up April 13th/14th

Sales start Jan 15th Pick-up ONLY$6.50 cage deposit April 13th and 14th we are bringing in 2lb Car..


3lb Carniolan Package Bees - pick up April 13th/14th

3lb Carniolan Package Bees - pick up April 13th/14th

Sales start Jan 15thPick-up ONLY$6.50 cage depositApril 13th and 14th we are bringing in 2lb Carniol..


Russian Queen (June Delivery) - SOLD OUT

Russian Queen (June Delivery) - SOLD OUT

SHIPPING TIPS please read!!! Advice: If you live in Iowa or a state touching Iowa, "Ground..


Russian Queen AFB Inoculated (June Delivery) - SOLD OUT

Russian Queen AFB Inoculated (June Delivery) - SOLD OUT

SHIPPING TIPS please read!!! Advice: If you live in Iowa or a state touching Iowa, "Ground ship..


Russian Queen (July Delivery) - SOLD OUT

Russian Queen (July Delivery) - SOLD OUT

SHIPPING TIPS please read!!! Advice: If you live in Iowa or a state touching Iowa, "Ground..


Russian Queen AFB Inoculated (July Delivery) - SOLD OUT

Russian Queen AFB Inoculated (July Delivery) - SOLD OUT

SHIPPING TIPS please read!!! Advice: If you live in Iowa or a state touching Iowa, "Ground ship..


Dalan Animal Health
Foley's Russian Bees
Holton Homestead
Koehnen Bees
Franklin Broom Works
Honey Hollow
Coy Honey Farms