On Sale
For 2024 we have partnered up with Coy Honey Farms and are offering nucs in deep 5 frame sizes. Our nucs are made up as 4 frames of brood and honey with a 5th empty drawn comb frame for growing room and assisted temperature control in transit. This 5th frame is usually being worked on but provides the bees an escape on the car ride home. Many of our customers have a long drive and no one wants to overheat their nuc in transit. The frames are housed in a disposable EZ nuc box, so no worries about returning equipment to us or paying a deposit. Nucs come with a 2025 mated Russian queen. Please place your order early as these are a high demand item and sell out fast. Nucs will be available for pick up the weekend of April 19th/20th
Sales begin at 10am on January 1st each year and go until we are sold out or until the delivery weekend. The product will show sold out during the rest of the bee season until the next ordering season swings around.
"What is a Nuc?"
Strangely enough we are asked this all the time. A "Nuc" or "Nucleus" hive is basically a mini version of a fully functional hive. A Nuc will have frames that are fully drawn out with comb and will have stores of honey and pollen, along with frames of bees in different develepental stages. Many beekeepers prefer getting nucs for a number of reasons. First being that it reduces much of the risks associated with package bees trying to get started in a new hive. If a beekeeper starts a new package and weather conditions turn sour or they don't have adequate nectar source, it will likely die in the first week/s. Nucs don't have this issues as they already have food reserves in them. Another great advantage is that nucs tend to be from providers in your local area. That means that the bees are from a heritage that have endured in your local area and are typically well suited to the seasons.
Tags: nuc, russian nuc