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Beekeeping Classes
If you are looking for instructional classes on learning how to be a beekeeper, below is a class series based off the book “First Lessons in Beekeeping” by Keith Delaplane. We offer this to the public free of charge. When it comes to learning your first year stuff, there is very little difference between all your class options. We believe in free beekeeping education and thus our classes are provided to you at no charge. Most other places on the web will try to charge you between $20 and $100 for this beginner series. I would like to note that some information in the recorded classes is more focused on Iowa, where we live. So when it talks about prepping for winter, that’s an Iowa winter. When we are talking about seasons and nectar flows, that is also Iowa based information. If you live in New York, or Georgia, or Texas, your informatiion will be different for what you need to do in winter months or when your nectar flows are happening.
Beekeeping Classes